Tag Archives: karate

Movie I Liked #66: The Karate Kid II

29 Dec


When we were little, my brother and I did martial arts with our dad for many years.

You don’t grow up in a martial arts family without a proper reverence for the one and only Mister Miyagi.

Wax on, wax off.

Keisuke Miyagi

Crane Technique.

Best way win fight, no be there.

Catching the fly with the chopstick.

Eighties hair and stonewashed jeans.

All four movies were great. Good fun adventure for young boys learning the martial arts. Good memories of watching movies with Dad.

I like this one the best because they go to Okinawa. We meet Mister Miyagi’s family and see his culture. Daniel learns the drum technique and falls in love with a dancer. The people and buildings are different, but the conflicts are pretty much the same. Honor. Loyalty. Devotion to family. Being true to one’s own inner goodness. Only difference is the last fight is a fight to the death. OMG!!

Homage to Pat Morita, whose obituary picture adorns a wall in Voodoo Doughnuts in Portland, Oregon.