Tag Archives: Helena Bonham Carter

Movie I Liked #78: Fight Club

17 Nov


On an infinite timeline, everyone’s life expectancy drops to zero.

Such is the wisdom of Tyler Durden, the mischievous hero.

This is the tale of a man who is bored with a meaningless consumerist life and how he copes. This is the story of revolution and personal growth and unrealized potential. This is a story about manhood and brother hood and the noble savage and unbridled brutality. This is about facing your worst fears by facing yourself. This is the best and worst of being a homosapien. Hating the drudgery of politics and financial empires and finding the magic in a tender lye kiss.

Fight Club (film)

Or this is all an insomniacs bad dream. Or a conspiracy. Or the dissociative episode from hell.

This is not a love story. This is not a happy story. This is the story that made me scorn cubicles. This is humanity at is rawest most absurd rock bottom and it is glorious.

Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter have terrific chemistry together. On their own, they make the most absurd characters completely believable.

Read the novel. Absolutely, read the novel. Marvel that someone thought of all this. Kudos to Chuck Palahniuk.